Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Horton Heard A What???

Spontaneous Friday Fun Took Place
When Ben and Me Came Face-To-Face
With Sydney, Ethan, and Trey (plus Two)
At the Mission Theatre to See Horton Hears a Who

Food and drink, elephant and kangaroo
We all had fun watching the animated zoo
Cheering on critters as they stole the scenes
Then philosophizing on what it all means.

It made me smile to hang with friends,
To laugh out loud, to wonder how it all ends
And watch the delight of kids, young and old
Appreciate a simple story magically told.

1 comment:

Tom Flynn said...

With wit and with style
Your comments made me smile
And a movie treat it surely was

Your review is very good
But I think that you should
Point out, Horton’s message for each of us

I’ll give it a try
Though my prose is a bit dry
Maybe you can cut me some slack

You see, I think the point is we believe what we see
And that’s how we just think, that things should always be
Confronted with doubt, our egos shout out and we ready to weather attack

We seek facts, find validation, and rally others in hate
With our paradigms broken, we just can’t tolerate
But Horton stands tall, defending the small, he protects them from high up above

With faith and with hope Horton says “Hello!”
To those sweet tiny Whos who live helplessly far below
And he protects them with compassion and love

Seuss has a message for us quite clear
It’s not difference or change that we should fear
But rather, we should make some more room in our hearts

The story of Horton, we don’t completely understand
Unless we are open to embracing our fellow man
And celebrating the wondrous potential of life