"Happy Birthday Coco! This is Lola."
Conversations like that I guess make you feel okay about time passing and things changing. New people like Lola get to come into your life that way.
We (Ben, Sean, Corrie) caught the Grokkers at the Green Dragon on Saturday night as part of a trifecta of activities at the brewpub - music, beer, movies. In addition to the great music from the indie blues/rock band, Jamie Floyd from Ninkasi Brewing also came up from Eugene to share some of the breweries latest creations with the crowd (Oatmeal Stout -Schwag Lager - Total Domination). The Penny Jam, a non-profit podcast that features local bands, also showed two movies filmed at the Green Dragon - "Brave New World" and "Moving Picture Girl." The whole thing was sponsored by Ninkasi and Pop Tomorrow.
So what did I think - great time! The beer was great (the husband enjoyed himself a couple of thick, chocolaty oatmeal stouts), the music was incredible for that venue (picked myself up a copy of The Grokkers' CD which I have blasting through the home office now) and the films were a great introduction for me to what the Penny Jam is doing.
I love when great ideas come together on a Saturday night.
Epilogue: Found ourselves at the Montage again for late night mac'n'cheese, fritters and gator bites after leaving the Green Dragon. In true Ben fashion, he managed to walk into La Merde (adjoining lounge) and recognize the bartender as an old friend from Eugene who he had not seen in years. "Remember when" conversations ensued long into the night.