The National Center for Health Statistics came out with tremendous news - we are all living longer. On average, the life expectancy of Americans increased to 78.1 years, that's a little under four months of extra time on this earth. Are we living that extra few months because we are spending its equivalent in the gym? Are American's sleeping more (highly doubt it)? The study attributes the longer life expectancy to a drop in deaths due to pneumonia, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver and suicides, among several others. But one has to wonder if American's are using that extra time to live a more fulfilling life?
So, here's my challenge to myself (and anyone else who wants to follow along). Consider what you want to fill your extra 4 months of life on this earth with. Here's some things I will consider doing with my extra few weeks on the planet.
- Live in a foreign country for 3 months
I'm thinking Scotland or Germany. I'll have to do some research - Visit South America
This is a "battle my fears" goal. Snakes are scary as are rainforests but I know parts of the country are beautiful and I should see it before I go if I have the means. I mean, who doesn't want to see Machu Picchu? - Spend More Time With Family
We all know we put this off. Our parents, our grandparents are who we are - I should take every opportunity to share moments with them. - Get To Really Know Your Home Town
I have a thing about making an impact in the community you are in, no matter how big or small. Unfortunately, I put doing it on the back burner. I should work this in.
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