Monday, November 17, 2008

Today's News: Meh, Daisies

Just a couple of worthwhile articles I stumbled across today.

Six Ways Pushing Daisies Made Your Inner Nerd Cry Tears of Geeky Joy
Love this sweet little show about raising the dead and making pies

Exciting New Word? Meh.
The Simpsons made this happen? Really?


Celeste Pantalones said...

I read that Pushing Daisies is being cancelled. I've never watched it myself, but love Wonderfalls (same creator).

Unknown said...

Alas, it is true. It was canceled. The creator may continue the story in other ways (comic books?) but it won't be the same.

Oh well, Lost will be on soon and I will need to devote all my energy to that any ways ;-)