Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Canning Weekend

While my husband was out of town this weekend, I tested my skills at canning for the first time by myself. My sister and I helped my mom and aunt can green beans, corn and hamburger soup countless times as girls. However, I hadn't canned at all since I was probably in junior high school and could barely remember the important details. My mom loaned me a canning book, her pressure cooker and some odds and ends and I was on my way.

I ended up canning tomatoes, applesauce and apple pie filling because that's what I could get the best deals on at the Farmer's Market on Wednesday.

It was actually very easy. It took me about 6 hours on Friday to get 20lbs of tomatoes canned (24 pints). The 20lbs of apples I split in half and did applesauce first, then the pie filling. That took longer just cuz the peeling process was more labor intensive than skinning the tomatoes.

Anyway, I've got a bunch of canned goods sitting in my kitchen, the product of the hard work and nostalgic spirit I put out there this weekend. It was really fun and I will definitely do it again next year. It was pretty easy and saves a bit of money over the year on organic fruits and veggies. Since I had to buy jars, it wasn't as much of a cost savings as I hoped but it is still about $0.20 less a pint than organics you buy at the store. I think that's pretty cool.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quick Update

Months ago, I talked about how I made a quilt while spending a week with my parents. I also talked about how I would get a picture of it posted. Well, a little late but here it is.

Fall Friendship Quilt

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thinks I learned about my cat this week

It has been one week since we brought little Remy home from the humane society. His cute little face and tiny meow has greeted us every morning. Though he is certainly a great addition to our little world, there has been some learning to do about our new roomies personality.

1. Clovis Don't Like To Be Touched. I hope someone out there besides my sister and I remember the happy little Disney film "The Apple Dumbling Gang." In the movie, three orphaned kids get thrown together with a long-lost uncle who marries the local fiery red-head in order to keep the kids and love ensues. Oh, and Tim Conway and Don Knotts are bumbling stagecoach robbers. But I digress. The youngest boy in the trio- Clovis- well, he doesn't like to be touched and often times kicks and bites when someone touches him.

Remy's middle name may soon be Clovis.

He is an attacker. An aggressor. But only about 15% of the time. We can't figure it out. He doesn't do it all the time or consistently but when he doesn't want you to pet him, he lets you know it. We suspect some sort of Jekyl & Hyde complex or Schizophrenia because his attacks are random and weird. I want to say his aggression is waning but I think I am being optimistic.

2. Hair, Hair Beautiful Hair. When they say short-haired cat, that doesn't mean the short hair won't spend most of its time on your couch, chair or floor. Our attempt at limiting the amount of cat hair in our house by avoiding a long-haired cat backfired with this white furball. Luckily, I picked up a FURminator today at the local pet store. It comes highly recommended and is supposedly going to help out with the hair. I'll keep you posted.

3. He hates easter eggs. He has a easter egg toy that he spends hours kicking around the house in what seems to be utter disdain. He's gonna get that egg one day, as soon as he can get it unstuck from under the dryer.

4. He loves his new dad!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oktoberfest 2008 - In Case You Missed It

We broke in our new apartment by honoring, what I consider the next best holiday to try to steal from the europeans and claim as our nation's own, Oktoberfest (sorry St. Patricks Day). Here are a few highlights from our Oktoberfest celebration.

I will note (or shall I say concede) that the Flynns and Sir Moehl were by far the strongest celebraters at the party. I neglected to live up to my promise and did not wear my barmaid outfit. For this, I (as well as Ben) will no doubt be forced to pay restitution in some form.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I Met My Cat Speed Dating

Sometimes you have to put yourself out there - take a risk and let others examine and judge you - if you want to make friendships and foster relationships. This holds true for any creature you may potentially share a bathroom with – man, woman, cat, dog, ferret, lamb (I lived in the country, okay). We mere humans think that we hold all the cards when it comes to selecting a faithful best friend or a cuddly feline but let’s get real. That's what they want us to think. They hold all the cards when it comes to their adoption fate. And they know what they like and don't like.

This is the truest with cats, a beautiful and complex animal that is instinctively predisposed to consider itself superior to us all even if it is locked in a 1’x3’ wire cage next to other compatriots with names like Mo, Jimbo, Bart and Freeway. They still expect a potential servant to bow.

So when Ben and I walked into Kitty Speed Dating at the Oregon Humane Society on Tuesday, we walked up slowly and smiled kindly to all the cats as they were introduced to us by their "staff" and attempted to make a connection with one that may wish to choose us as their companion.

It took us forever.

Three hours and 25 intimate kitty sessions later, we finally came across the cat that was willing to take us on.

Meet Remy!